Goglides Personal

A modern single page hugo theme for personal blogs

Minimum Hugo Version: 0.71.0

Updated: 0.71.0

License: copyright © goglides llc

Installation & Update

This document will guide you through installation of Hugo.

After installing hugo, see Hugo doc for installing theme in your hugo site.

Quick Demo

   # Clone 'https://github.com/pandeybk/hugo-theme.git' to your directory
   # cd goglides-personal-theme
   # cd exampleSite
   # hugo serve  --themesDir ../..
   # Then you can have quick look at the site at "http://localhost:1313/"


   # Create site and cd into it
   hugo new site goglides-personal-site && cd goglides-personal-site

   # cd themes

   # Clone the Fresh theme
   git clone https://github.com/pandeybk/hugo-theme.git

   # Replace the code of default config.toml by config.toml example shown below

   # Move sub-directories inside content folder of exampleSite to default content folder

   # Move sub-directories inside static folder of exampleSite to default static folder

   # Run the site locally
   hugo server

   # Open the site in your browser
   open http://localhost:1313


Site features

  • Google Analytics
  • Social sharing bar (facebook, twitter, github)
  • Customizable navbar
  • Mobile responsive- works great across desktops, tablets and mobiles
  • Similar posts listing
  • Authors listing
  • Group post by tagname

Blogging features

  • Attractive landing page with article/tag links everywhere
  • Add featured images to posts
  • Making sections for related articles (for example tutorials on a topic)
  • Add code snippets

Future plans

  • Search blog by keywords
  • Support for facebook comments

config.toml example

   baseURL = "https://example.com"
   languageCode = "en-us"
   title = "GoGlides Tech Blog"
   theme = "goglides-personal-theme"
   paginate = 10
   summaryLength = 10
   googleAnalytics =  "UA-79840196-4"
   themes = "goglides-personal-theme"

   #Navbar menus
        name = "Home"
        url = "#home"
        weight = 1

        name = "About"
        url = "#about"
        weight = 2

        name = "Portfolio"
        url = "#portfolio"
        weight = 3

        name = "Blog"
        url = "#blog"
        weight = 4

        name = "Contact"
        url = "#contact"
        weight = 4


     numberOfPortfolioToShow = 4
     numberOfBlogsToShow = 1
     contactEmail = "https://formspree.io/binodshakya78@gmail.com"
     shareSocialLink = true  #can be set to false if not needed
     copyRight = "Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved."

       title = "Name"
       value = "Anna Sthesia"

       title = "Address"
       value = "9568 E. Rockwell St. Hacienda Heights, CA 91745"

        title = "Phone"
        value = "+1 958 9865 232"

        title = "Email"
        value = "info@anna.com"

        title = "Nationality"
        value = "American"

        title = "Skype"
        value = "anna.sthesia"

        title = "YEARS OF EXPERIENCE"
        years = "10+"

        title = "PROJECTS COMPLETED"
        years = "100+"

        title = "CERTIFICATION"
        years = "15+"

        title = "HAPPY CLIENTS"
        years = "80+"

        name = "Facebook"
        link = "https://www.facebook.com/"
        photoURL = "/icons/facebook.png"
        subtitle = "Connect to facebook"

        name = "Twitter"
        link = "https://www.twitter.com/"
        photoURL = "/icons/twitter.png"
        subtitle = "Connect to facebook"

        name = "Github"
        link = "https://www.github.com/"
        photoURL = "/icons/github.png"
        subtitle = "Connect to facebook"

        name = "HTML"
        percent = 70

        name = "Css"
        percent = 75

        name = "Javascript"
        percent = 60

        name = "PHP"
        percent = 75

        name = "React"
        percent = 65

        name = "Angular"
        percent = 70

        name = "Adobe XD"
        percent = 80

        name = "Illustrator"
        percent = 82

        name = "Photoshop"
        percent = 85

        title = "Master Degree -- Oxford University"
        detail = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."
        year = 2015

        title = "Engineering Degree -- Oxford University"
        detail = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."
        year = 2012

        title = "Bachelor Degree -- Clinton High School"
        detail = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."
        year = 2009

        title = "Web Developer -- Web Solution Ltd."
        detail = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."
        year = "2015 - PRESENT"

        title = "Sr. UI/UX Designer -- Design House"
        detail = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."
        year = "2010 - 2015"

        title = "Jr. UI/UX Designer -- Design House"
        detail = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."
        year = "2007 - 2010"

Frontmatter example

   title: {{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}
   photo_url: "path to image"

Customizing your page

There’s a wide variety of customizations that you can make to your Hugo Fresh landing page by modifying the config.toml file that you downloaded. That file provides documentation for what the various config values represent.